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Insurance Challenges Faced by Young and Inexperienced Motorcycle Riders

The insurance landscape can present unfamiliar terrain for young and inexperienced motorcycle riders, especially in and around the Grand Rapids, MI region. High premiums and limited coverage options are just a couple of the unique insurance challenges this demographic faces.

Premium Rates

A consistent challenge for young and inexperienced riders often lies in the steep insurance premiums they’re subjected to. Age, riding experience, and accident history are some of the determinant factors insurers use in calculating premiums. Given their limited experience and younger age, these riders are typically perceived as higher risk, leading to higher insurance premiums.

Limited Coverage Options

Limited coverage options present another hurdle for young and inexperienced riders. Some insurance providers may offer basic coverage for riders with limited experience and accident history. As riders gain experience and maintain clean records, they may qualify for more comprehensive coverage options.

Access to Discounts

Contrary to experienced riders, young riders may not have access to multiple discounts and cost-saving opportunities. Typically, insurers offer discounts for completing motorcycle safety courses, maintaining clean driving records, or bundling policies. However, due to age and experience restrictions, young riders often miss out on these opportunities.

Risk Perception

Risk perceptions in the insurance industry also contribute to challenges for young and inexperienced riders. Statistically, young riders are often seen as being more prone to risk, which can further limit their access to affordable coverage and comprehensive insurance protection.

Contact Dalessandro Agency Inc. for More Information

Do you have motorcycle insurance questions or need servicing in the Grand Rapids, MI region? Dalessandro Agency Inc. can help. Contact us today.

What Additional Coverages Might a Motorcycle Policy Offer?

Michigan requires all motorcyclists to carry liability insurance. So, if your motorcycle is in an accident, this coverage pays medical expenses for bodily injury to others not on your motorcycle.

It also pays for property damage to someone else’s property. But at the Dalessandro Agency Inc., where we serve Grand Rapids, MI, we point out that this minimum coverage may not be enough to protect you or your passengers. For this reason, it’s wise for motorcyclists to get optional motorcycle insurance coverage.

Collision and Comprehensive Coverage

Collision insurance is one type. It pays up to the policy limits if your bike sustains damage by colliding with something.

Comprehensive insurance pays for damages that result when you are not in a collision. These include theft, vandalism, windshield and glass mishaps, fire, accidents involving animals, and weather.

Coverage for Medical Bills

A medical benefits endorsement pays the medical bills of you or your passenger if you are injured in an accident where no other coverage is available. Personal Injury Protection (PIP) may be available too.

It is more comprehensive than medical benefits. It covers medical expenses and may help to make up for some lost wages if you cannot work, rehabilitation, and more.

Personal belongings insurance pays if the objects you carry with you as you ride are lost, stolen, or damaged. These may include cell phones, tools, and motorcycle accessories. Roadside assistance pays when your motorcycle has to be towed in for repair. It may also pay your hotel bill.

If you have a new motorcycle and want total value replacement without depreciation if it is ever stolen or totaled, we can search for you. The Dalessandro Agency Inc. serves Grand Rapids, MI, and we are ready to service all your motorcycle insurance needs. Contact Dalessandro Agency Inc. today.

Five Things Michigan Motorcycle Owners Need to Know

If you live in Grand Rapids, MI, or anywhere in Michigan and own a motorcycle, there are a few things you need to know. First and foremost, insurance is a must, and if you’re currently in the market for motorcycle insurance, consider reaching out to us at Dalessandro Agency Inc. Now, let’s take a look at five things every Michigan motorcycle owner should know:

Mandatory Helmet Law

Michigan has a mandatory helmet law for all riders, regardless of age or experience. Riders must wear a helmet that meets or exceeds the safety standards established by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Motorcycle Endorsement

Michigan also requires motorcycle riders to have a valid motorcycle endorsement on their driver’s license. To obtain this endorsement, riders must complete a motorcycle safety course or pass a written and on-road skills test.


Motorcycle owners must register their vehicles with the Michigan Secretary of State’s office and display a license plate on the motorcycle’s rear.

Liability Insurance

Michigan law requires all motorcycle riders to have liability insurance. The minimum required coverage is $20,000 for bodily injury or death of one person, $40,000 for bodily injury or death of two or more people, and $10,000 for property damage.

No-Fault System

Michigan has a "no-fault" insurance system, which means that in an accident, each driver’s insurance company is responsible for paying their medical expenses and lost wages, regardless of who caused the accident. This also applies to motorcycle riders, so it’s essential to ensure you have adequate insurance coverage.

And remember, if you’re in need of motorcycle insurance in Grand Rapids, MI, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Dalessandro Agency Inc. today. 

Common Motorcycle Insurance Exclusions

For most people, two-wheelers are a relatively common method for commuting and running errands. For other people, bikes are a source of fun. In whatever way you use your motorcycle, don’t forget about motorcycle insurance. Bike insurance covers you and your assets when accidents happen.

While motorcycle insurance is a great investment, it’s worth noting that it has exclusions, like most insurance policies. Your standard motorcycle insurance from Dalessandro Agency Inc. in Grand Rapids, MI won’t cover the areas below.

Common Motorcycle Insurance Exclusions

Mechanical or electrical failures

If your two-wheeler breaks down because of a mechanical or electrical failure, your insurance won’t help. In such cases, you will have to finance the repairs from your pocket. Motorcycle insurance covers your bike when damaged by a peril included in your policy. However, it won’t cover anything maintenance-related.

Stunt or racing events

If you are an adrenaline junkie, you may be tempted to participate in racing or stunt events. Unfortunately, your standard motorcycle insurance doesn’t cover damage or injuries from such events. However, you can purchase special coverage to cover mishaps that occur in racing and stunt events.

Unauthorized riders

When purchasing your motorcycle insurance, you may indicate the possible riders that might use your bike. Any damage or injury arising from an unauthorized rider will likely be ignored by your insurer.

Criminal or intentional acts

Your insurer is likely to void claims arising from damage or injuries sustained when involved in criminal or intentional acts. For instance, if you intentionally crash your two-wheeler because it has had numerous mechanical failures recently, it may result in insurance fraud. You will not only miss out on compensation but you can be charged for fraud.

Get The Right Coverage Today

Need to learn more about motorcycle insurance in Grand Rapids, MI? Please get in touch with Dalessandro Agency Inc. We will answer all your queries about motorcycle insurance as well as recommend coverage that suits your needs.

Why Is It Important To Have Motorcycle Insurance?

Motorcyclists often face unique risks on the road that other drivers don’t have to worry about. That’s why it’s so important for motorcyclists to have motorcycle insurance, which can help protect them in case of an accident. Dalessandro Agency Inc. in Grand Rapids, MI can help you find the right policy for your needs.

Here’s why you should have motorcycle insurance:

It Is Required by Law

It is actually against the law to drive a motorcycle without insurance in many states. If you’re caught driving without insurance, you could face steep fines and even have your license suspended. So if you want to stay legal on the road, you need to make sure you have motorcycle insurance.

It Can Help Cover the Cost of Accidents

If you are involved in an accident and have appropriate motorcycle insurance can help cover the cost of damage to your bike as well as any medical bills you may incur. If you don’t have insurance and cause an accident, you could be on the hook for thousands of dollars in damages, which could ruin you financially.

It Can Help Protect You from Liability

If you’re involved in an accident and someone else is injured or their property is damaged, the right motorcycle insurance can help protect you from liability. If the other party decides to sue you, your insurance company will help pay for the expenses.

It Gives You Peace of Mind

Even if you’re a safe driver, accidents can still happen. And if you don’t have insurance, an accident can be a financial nightmare. But if you have motorcycle insurance, you can rest assured knowing that you’re covered in the event of an accident. So, if you want to enjoy peace of mind on the road, make sure you have motorcycle insurance.

There are many good reasons to have motorcycle insurance. It can help protect you financially if you’re involved in an accident and give you peace of mind. So if you own a motorcycle in Grand Rapids, MI be sure to get insurance for it. Call Dalessandro Agency Inc. today to get started.


Why Is Motorcycle Liability Coverage Important?

If you own a motorcycle, you probably know that you need insurance. You may not necessarily pay much attention to the types of insurance you are required to have, however. Liability insurance is often overlooked, but there are a few reasons to make sure you have great liability coverage for your bike.

Those who live in Grand Rapids, MI can rely on Dalessandro Agency Inc. for information about motorcycle liability coverage. Here’s what you need to know about motorcycle liability coverage.

Motorcycle Liability Policies Cover Injuries You Cause

While a motorcycle rider is more likely to become injured than to injure somebody else, it is still possible that you could cause some injury to somebody else. For instance, you might not realize that somebody has stepped into a crosswalk, and they are hit by your bike. They may have broken bones, which insurance may provide some coverage for if you are determined to be the at-fault party.

Motorcycle Liability Policies Cover Damage You Cause

Liability coverage for motorcycle riders also covers damage to property. For instance, you might accidentally drive into a fence on private property, causing serious damage. Your insurance may cover damage to the fence so that the property owner is able to recover their expenses.

Motorcycle Liability Policies Prevent a Serious Lawsuit

Finally, you should have adequate liability coverage to ensure that you are not the target of a lawsuit. Your coverage can take care of expenses, so you are not left to pick up the tab.

Speak With an Insurance Agent

Are you ready to take charge of your liability coverage? Contact Dalessandro Agency Inc., which serves Grand Rapids, MI, to learn more about your motorcycle coverage options.

Motorcycle Insurance Tips To Remember While Researching Coverage

Dalessandro Agency Inc. is proud to serve the Grand Rapids, MI community. For over 20 years, we have helped our clients find the coverage they need to protect what matters most. We offer multiple types of policies to help our clients manage different risks. We take pride in our status as an independent insurance agency.

Motorcycle Insurance Tips

During long periods of nice weather, many Michigan residents enjoy traveling around the state on their motorcycles. As you ride through Grand Rapids, MI, and other parts of the state, there are multiple hazards to be aware of. That’s why motorcycle insurance is an asset. The policy adds a layer of protection as you travel around. Here are some tips to remember while researching coverage.

Collision Or Comprehensive

Collision coverage protects you if your motorcycle suffers damage due to another vehicle or object. Comprehensive coverage protects you if your motorcycle is stolen or vandalized. Comprehensive coverage also protects you if your motorcycle is damaged due to a natural disaster or physical contact with animals such as a deer. If you ride your motorcycle regularly, you may need more comprehensive coverage compared to if you only ride a few times every year.


Liability coverage is important. Accidents happen. Liability coverage protects you if your motorcycle causes damage to someone or their property. If you plan to ride along with someone, you are also covered if your passenger gets injured. If you operate your motorcycle with relatively high risk, consider adding umbrella coverage for an extra layer of protection

Other Things To Consider

You’ll have to amend your policy if you plan to add custom parts to your motorcycle. This is the only way to ensure that your accessories are fully protected if something happens.

Dalessandro Agency Inc. Will Help You Protect Your Asset

Visit our website today to learn more information about motorcycle insurance.

What You Need to Know When Updating Your Motorcycle Insurance Policy

If you have a motorcycle, you probably already have insurance on it. But have you updated your policy lately? If you haven’t, now may be a perfect time. If you’re in the Grand Rapids, MI area, see us at Dalessandro Agency Inc. and let us look over your motorcycle insurance policy. We can help you make adjustments that will be right for your needs and lifestyle, so you have the right type and level of coverage. You don’t have to settle for less than quality coverage and peace of mind when you’re out enjoying warm days on your bike. We’re here to address what you need to know so that you can feel confident and secure with your insurance policy.

What should I know?

The biggest thing you need to know when you update your policy is that the coverage that worked for you in the past might not be right for you now. If you’ve purchased a different bike, you travel on it more or differently than you used to, or you’ve taken a safe riding class, for example, your policy may no longer fit. But that’s not a problem when you work with a trusted and knowledgeable agent who can help you make the right changes and feel good about your coverage for the future.

See us today at Dalessandro Agency Inc., and ask our friendly agents about your motorcycle insurance needs. We want to help all our clients in the Grand Rapids, MI area are able to protect themselves and their bikes with proper insurance. If you have questions or concerns, we’re also happy to help with those, so you aren’t left wondering whether your coverage is going to be adequate. You can update your policy at any time, and we’ll be here to make sure the changes you make are the right ones. Contact us for more information.